
At TheVNAPK.com, we are committed to upholding copyright laws and respecting the rights of copyright owners. We adhere to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) to safeguard intellectual property.

If you believe that your copyrighted work has been infringed upon, please follow the instructions below to report the violation:

To File a Complaint:

  1. Provide a written communication containing:
    • Your physical or electronic signature, or that of an authorized representative.
    • Identification of the copyrighted work that has been infringed.
    • Identification of the infringing material and its location. URLs are preferred for easy identification.
    • Contact information including your address, telephone number, and email address.
    • A statement affirming your good faith belief that the use of the material is unauthorized.
    • A statement declaring the accuracy of the provided information, under penalty of perjury.

Send your notice to Email: [email protected]

Upon receiving your notice, we will promptly investigate the claim and take appropriate action in accordance with the DMCA.

Thank you for helping us maintain the integrity of intellectual property rights on TheVNAPK.com.